A letter from our Founder

Welcome to Victrices! I’m Jemima Olangi, a woman with a vision to help build a thriving community of women who love themselves, uplift, build, support, and push each other to create life-changing experiences.
A victress is a woman who is winning and victorious in any facet of life. She is confident, poised, successful, or on her way toward success. She questions the status quo, pushes her limits and fights stereotypes to blaze her own trail, and sets new records. She speaks life, positivity, and encouragement to herself and those around her. Her aura is uplifting, energizing, and yet calming. A victress is comfortable in her own skin and body, regardless of what she sees in the mirror because she values herself beyond just a number on a scale or a dress size.
What My Blog is About
All these qualities may sound very over-the-top but here at the Victrices blog, I believe every woman has the innate ability to radiate all these qualities and so much more if she has a supportive community of like-minded women standing out with her. My aim is to encourage women to share their successes and challenges as a woman, to start conversations about subjects that may seem “touchy” but are not limited to the patriarchy, mental health, self-esteem, self-worth, ambitions, spirituality, finances, relationships, etc. Hopefully, such conversations will cause a positive mindset shift in a direction that pushes us towards success.
I want to help you look deeper at your beliefs, to be able to tell if they are holding you back or not, and to help you craft newer more supportive ones that bring you closer to your dreams. Beliefs are snide little things that can have a huge influence on our lives. Being a woman means you probably have had even more unsupportive beliefs handed down to you (depending on where you grew up) and these beliefs are currently dictating your life, whether you realize it or not. I hope through sharing positive energy and ideas, and having intellectually engaging debates, we (yes you the wonderful person reading this) and I can create a safe space to build up, motivate and help women to aspire for more.
My Blog Inspiration
My inspiration for this blog comes from my own experience of two very different environments while growing up; one in which women had more freedom to exercise their will, wield power, and be assertive. And another one was the direct opposite. One where males had the most power with women being excluded from anything influential. I saw firsthand what it was like to be made to fit into rigid social stereotypes, regardless of how they severely limited or stalled a woman’s dreams.
In fact, the yardstick used to judge how successful a woman is in some of those cultures, was simply a matter of getting married, staying married (even in cases of abuse), and having children. Not that any of that is wrong (except the abuse of course), but what about women who don’t want these exact things but are getting pressured to get married? What about those who perhaps want to dedicate their lives to a greater cause first? Or research? Or just prefer not to fit into the stereotype of being a mother and homemaker?
I believe that women have a lot of untapped potential waiting to be released. We have everything it takes to change the world. And that a nurturing, liberal, and forward-thinking community of women can grow into an unmatched force that eventually transforms societies and creates equal opportunities for all. A movement that inspires women all over the world to achieve more at whatever they do because they believe they can.
Who I Want To Connect With
This blog is to provide a safe space for women to express themselves freely, talk about their lives as women and expand their horizons. Whether you’re a millennial, a career woman, a homemaker, an entrepreneur, an influencer or artist, old or young, I would love to connect with you! Let’s build a tribe of thousands of women across the globe who are connected by similar aspirations, confident in who they are, know their self-worth, and are working on being the best version of themselves. Who knows? We may even host meet-ups and group retreats in some exotic locations in the future!
So if you are a woman, of any color, religion, background, etc. bookmark this blog, subscribe to my newsletter, and sign up for our members-only community forum! Share your ideas, experiences, triumphs, and challenges with other women just like you who feel and think progressively about issues affecting women. Feel free to comment! No topic is off-limits as long as it is discussed with respect and empathy.
Thank you for stopping by!